Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Blast from the Past: 20 Things I've Learned Living in the Woods

This may come as a surprise, but this is not my first time as a blogger or even my first time as a quit-your-whatever-and-go-do-something-crazy-type person. Believe it or not, I'm a serial non-conformist. Last time around, however, it was a bit different. I blogged, but I didn't show anyone. I was also doing something crazy, but that wasn't quite the same either.

I was writing in the time before extreme social networking. In the time before you could Google every person you met.  I didn't have nearly the same amount of skills or resources or know how or whatever as I do now.  I had just graduated from college and was living in the woods with three dudes. Yup. I'm serious. This is all part of my resume to become A Voluntourista. Seems relevant, doesn't it?

Anyhow, I recently stumbled across the old blog that I was writing during that time. I thought it might be interesting to resurrect it for the modern eye. I'm really not sure if that's a good idea, but I guess you all can be the judge. The following was written at the end of a 3 month stay in an uber-rich mountain town living among the woodsies (i.e. people without homes that live in woods). It was quite an experiment, to say the least
Friday, August 31st 2007: 20 Things I've Learned Living in the Woods
Tonight is my last night in this here small town. We will be attempting to hitch hike to Denver in the morning. I will be skipping out on my job, and leaving my home in the woods. In honor of my last night in this village I wanted to compile a list of what I have learned will living in the woods. So here it is:

20 Things I've Learned Living in the Woods

1. Water is precious. There will probably be wars about it one day.
2. You don't need a gym to get in shape, just start walking your ass everywhere.
3. People will always try to help you out.
4. Be honest. It sucks to have to lie all the time.
5. Being homeless really isn't so bad, in fact it could be a choice...so quit judging people about it.
6. But being homeless is really bad when it is raining.
7. Take care of your feet.
8. Befriend your public library. The knowledge there is free.
9. Don't do coke. It will only trap you, and when you are depressed and wondering why you are trapped...it doesn't help you figure it out.
10. Pooping in the woods is gross. No one should have to be that intimate with their shit.
11. Not every sound you hear at night is a cougar or a bear or an ax murderer.
12. You don't need to shower THAT much.
13. Cigarettes make it hard to hike up a mountain.
14. Appreciate your kitchen.
15. Its way better to pee standing up.
16. Bears can smell your mac and cheese.
17. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
18. Get your sleeping schedule from the sun. You'll feel way better!
19. Drinking too much makes you sick.

And the final things that I've learned while living in the woods is...
20. Running water and electricity are sooooo overrated.
While it was not an easy time in my life, I have to admit that many of the wisdoms I gathered as a woods dweller will be helpful as a set out on this journey. Also, I'm coming up on another two week bout of houselessness. Last time, I wasn't nearly as prepared as I could have been. I will need to harness the power of previously Vagabond Expert Amy to help the current Four Years Soft Amy as she makes her way into this wild n' crazy world.

This is where in real life I would yell something like, "Feats of strength!" or growl "bring it on!" to the nearest listener. I can be a trash talker, ya know. However, right now, I don't really have much room to talk. Oh well.

 Here's a picture of happy me in those same woods five years ago.

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